If you don’t have a phone that shoots Photo Spheres, I suggest you at least head over to the Views site and browse around through the stunning pictures that users have submitted of different places around the world. You can also share your DSLR panoramic shots as well. I can’t get sharing through Google Maps to work through my Galaxy S4 GPE, but it could simply be a user error on my part. The Views section of Google Maps already lets you place your own 360-degree panorama on specific points in the world, but now you can connect them via virtual paths, creating an instant, locale.
Coolest photosphere google map android#
There is a web interface that you can upload from your computer to, but Google also claims that you can view your Photo Spheres of places in the stock Android gallery, press “Share,” and then share through Google Maps. When I try to get the code to embed it on a website (clicking 'share or integrate' option when I visualise it on a browser), I only have the option to share the link. All Google asks that you do is take Photo Spheres as you travel the globe and then share them to Views to create one of the coolest photo collections we have ever seen. I took a photosphere with google street view app and shared it on google maps.

It’s called Views, and is somewhat of an extension of Google Maps. Now, with Photo Sphere, the new camera mode that’s part of the latest version of Android 4.2, Jelly Bean, you can photograph an entire sceneup, down, and all aroundto create a 360 immersive experience. If you own a Nexus 4, Nexus 7, Google Play Edition phone or have flashed a stock Android 4.2 ROM that supports Photo Sphere, Google has given you a new service to upload your beautiful pictures of the world to.